I chose to become a professional astrologer in March 1995, two months and two dozen astrology books after reading my first. My decision to read it was spontaneous, motivated only by a fleeting ambition to be more informed than the enthusiasts in my realm. But the joke was on me and my antipathy was instead set in reverse.
I have always been fascinated with chronology, sequence, and time, and always possessed a peculiar aptitude for having calendar dates committed to memory. exploring astrology’s calendrical properties. I love the idea that this complex clock system would not repeat the same “hour” again in hundreds of billions of years, that every moment in human history was cosmically codified with its own unique stamp.
In September 1997, I began studying with a variety of astrology teachers connected to the New York City chapter of the NCGR. After a couple of years reading astrology books on my own, it was time to expand my learning horizons inside the ;existing subculture of the time. I passed three NCGR certification exams between 1997-1999.
In June 1999, I attended my first Project Hindsight conclave, the first of four that focused on reading the entire life of Albert Einstein using Robert Schmidt's reassembly of the Hellenistic astrological system, via his translations of all the existing material, much of which had not yet been translated into a modern language.
My professional life in astrology started in November 2000, when I started writing pop astrology articles for the stariq.com commercial website. When the dot com bubble burst, I moved on to working as a consulting astrologer for the Great Britain's Astrolivelink service. I spent the next seven years giving live astrology readings by phone, which helped me develop my strongest techniques as a chart interpreter.
I have spoken at a number of professional astrology conferences around the world over the years, and have also been featured as a speaker for a number of regional astrology organizations in Canada, the United States, and South Africa.